Wednesday 2 March 2016

Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin, Germany.

After the Second World War, the thousands of objects in the collections belonging to the state of Prussia were either strewn over countless sites, many of them unknown or had been destroyed; the buildings themselves were severely damaged. Following the reunification of Germany, the collections of former East and West Berlin were merged, and work gradually began on the renovation of the museum buildings to meet the demands of modern, visitor-oriented standards, which lie behind today’s 'Masterplan Museumsinsel', which forms the overarching framework for the redesign of the Museumsinsel Berlin as a whole.
Situated in the very heart of the city, the Museumsinsel Berlin is one of the country’s major sights, attracting hundreds of thousands of guests from all over the world each year, where it showcases its magnificent collections of art and cultural artefacts spanning several millennia from Europe and the wider Mediterranean region. 

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