Sunday, 18 June 2017

Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro,Pakistan.

The Archaeological Ruins at Mohenjodaro are the best preserved urban settlement in South Asia dating back to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, The property represents the metropolis of Indus civilization, which flourished between 2,500-1,500 BC in the Indus valley and is one of the world’s three great ancient civilizations.
Mohenjodaro, discovered in 1922  comprises two parts : a citadel area in the west where the Buddhist stupa was constructed with unbaked brick over the ruins of Mohenjodaro in the 2nd century AD, and to the east, the lower city ruins spread out along the banks of the Indus. Here buildings are laid out along streets intersecting each other at right angles, in a highly orderly form of city planning that also incorporated systems of sanitation and drainage.
Thank you Cheema for this first ever UNESCO Postcard from  Pakistan with beautiful stamps dear to my Thematic collection. Thank you for your time and interest in selection of stamps.
Stamp 2003- United Nations Literacy Decade - Education for All
Stamp 2013- Malika-e-Tarannum Noor Jahan, (1926-2000)
Stamp 2015-   The 50th Anniversary of the Credit College Kohat
Stamp 2016- National Book Day
Date of Inscription: 1980
Ref: 138

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